Monessa Berry
September 2020
Cardiology Pre/Post
Miami Valley Hospital - Premier Health




Each time I would get anxious, Monessa would recite a few more Bible verses to put me at ease.
Upon arrival for my procedure, we asked Monessa if the "love of my life" could accompany me and she responded "Absolutely" which started to put me at ease. As she prepped me, she explained she would be starting an IV. I began shaking and told her that I was a very hard stick to which she replied very softly "no negativity here...relax, I am very good at what I do." I relaxed a little and she noticed my finger rosary and began to recite some spiritual verses which relaxed me. Each time I would get anxious, Monessa would recite a few more Bible verses to put me at ease. As she is searching for a good vein, she says "let me sing you both a love song", my hand relaxed and she finds it-WOW!!! She went flawlessly about her duties while keeping us at ease the whole time. Monessa is a credit to your staff and needs to be in charge of the "patient/family positive mental experience." My daughters, extended family, and I are forever grateful for this outstanding nurse for her skills, patience, positive attitude, and spiritual sharing.