Monica Drummond
November 2020
Anderson Regional Health System




Sometimes, I wanted to just give up, but it's nurses like Monica who stop and take time to hold your hand, encourage you, and give you the motivation to keep going.
Monica is a very special person, a great nurse that shows compassion with her patients. She always entered my room with a smile that lit up the room. She was always willing to listen and give you the attention you need. I have had so many health issues, one thing after another. Sometimes, I wanted to just give up, but it's nurses like Monica who stop and take time to hold your hand, encourage you, and give you the motivation to keep going. She is very professional, compassionate, and caring. Monica is the epitome of what a nurse and caregiver should be. When I was really emotional and having a hard time, she was a blessing from God, right there to get me through a tough time. I know nurses are really busy, it means a lot that Monica took the time to make me feel better, not one day but every day she took care of me. She was my personal angel God sent just for me. She took time to sit, talk, and listen to my concerns, frequently offering reassurance that everything was going to be okay. I pray for her and her team of coworkers that they will continue to be guardian angels for other patients. I want to thank the entire Rehab staff for the excellent care I received.