Katelynn Williams
September 2020
Critical Care Nursing Service
Brooke Army Medical Center




Katelynn bought conditioner from home and tediously combed the patient's hair until it was clean and straight.
Katelynn spent 4 1/2 hours in a patient's room who had hair down to her buttocks. The patient was in trauma and her hair was matted with dirt and blood (it had not been washed since she arrived). Katelynn bought conditioner from home and tediously combed the patient's hair until it was clean and straight. Not only did the patient feel better, but she also prevented any possibility of skin breakdown. She went above and beyond the call of duty. She did this while orienting a nurse who is new to the ICU. Not only did she represent the unit well, but the Army Nurse Corp as well. This is not the first time she has gone above the call of duty and it won't be the last.