Melanie Sweeney-Smolka
November 2020




I was very frightened for my dad, frustrated at my inability to get help, and Melanie's confidence in resolving it immediately calmed my worried mind.
In August, my father had a pacemaker put in, due to bradycardia. Nurse Melanie from Christiana Care Visiting Nurses, visited my father in his home, in Dover, DE, twice during the months of August and September 2020. Melanie was not only patient and caring with my hard of hearing father, but incredibly supportive to me as a caregiver.
While in the hospital in Dover, they had put him on an additional BP medication. I'm not a Nurse, but I was very concerned with his sudden lethargy and very low daily blood pressure readings. My repeated attempts to notify, to get through the phone system to his Primary Doctor, to take him off the Metatropolol were unsuccessful. Melanie was able to get through and resolve the scary situation efficiently. Without her intervention, I have a feeling I might have lost my father due to over-medication.
Words cannot express, how thankful I am to Melanie for assessing the situation promptly and her "take charge" attitude! I was very frightened for my dad, frustrated at my inability to get help, and her confidence in resolving it immediately calmed my worried mind.
I owe her my father's life, and for that, I will always be abundantly grateful!!