Kaitlin Moore
October 2020
Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota




Kaitlin demonstrates her caring and compassion for him to not only leave here but succeed beyond the four walls of the hospital.
Since she has become one of our primary nurses, Kaitlin has boldly sought answers for us and for our son. She has saved his life on multiple occasions and for that, "thank you" does not seem like enough. She has pushed us as parents out of our comfort zone to be involved with our son's cares and development. It is difficult being in the NICU for 12 weeks, but the last 4 have been more like home. Kaitlin has earned our complete trust and we work well together. She checks on our son's progress when not here, which is completely unnecessary, but demonstrates her caring and compassion for him to not only leave here but succeed beyond the four walls of the hospital. She is someone who we will make sure is informed of the milestones and celebrations we have with our son because we know she will rejoice with us. A wonderful advocate for our family and a calming influence. This hospital and department should understand the talent that they have and be thankful for their skills and ability to collaborate. Such a blessing.