Zuleima Reyes
August 2020
UAMS Health




Not only did Zu call to let me know how he had taken the news, but she also worked tirelessly for almost 45 minutes this morning to figure out some way for him to be able to see his babies' faces and talk to them.
My fiancé was in a really awful motorcycle accident. They didn't know if he'd make it originally, and now we know he has no major head trauma, no severe internal organ damage ... but his legs are a different story. We found out yesterday that surgeons would have to amputate his left leg from mid-thigh down. Because of COVID, we haven't been able to see or talk to him since he was brought into UAMS. I've been worried so much about so many things, but specifically about when he first woke up. However, someone sent from God was with him and I truly feel that was the case. His dad called this morning to let me know that he had the breathing tube removed, he was awake and they had called him. He was able to talk to him and tell him about his leg this morning and that his nurse Zu promised I'd be the next call so he could see and hear his kids. We have 3 children, (3, 4, and 7) who know daddy has been hurt and not being able to show them he's okay has been tough. Not only did Zu call to let me know how he had taken the news, but she also worked tirelessly for almost 45 minutes this morning to figure out some way for him to be able to see his babies' faces and talk to them. She helped them understand what he was saying and was so friendly, compassionate, and patient with us. She also took the time to apologize, sincerely for a situation the night before when I had called to check on him (the situation didn't even involve her) and made sure I knew they understand how hard this is for us as well. She went above and beyond this morning when she didn't have to and I'm so thankful for the peace she gave us by doing so. She, as well as a few other nurses and staff this week, have been such angels to our family during such a horrific time.