Kathy Engstrom
February 2020
Primary Care- Portland
Portland VA Health Care System




With my near-death experience, I depend on a nurse who has understanding, knowledge, and compassion for what I have been through. Kathy is all of that and more.
As an in-house patient in this hospital for 11 months, I came within two weeks of dying here, I have experienced a lot of issues in dealing with both nurses and doctors. I was very healthy until the middle of 2006 when I was diagnosed with a terminal disease labeled, "Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency". At that time, I was told I had 6 months left to live unless I got a full liver transplant. First time in my life I enter the VA hospital in Portland, OR.
On my birthday my family was told by the attending physicians they could only keep me alive for two more weeks. The doctors attempted to convince my caregivers to sign papers for my burial, and to transfer me to hospice. Both requests were denied by my caregivers.
The next day my ICU nurse told me my liver arrived and it looked extremely healthy per the operating doctors examining it. I was operated on successfully. You see ALMIGHTY GOD, provided in a timely manner, a new beginning, a new life for me. To this moment, my transplanted liver has performed 100% in every measure.
Kathy has been my nurse coordinator for many years. Kathy is an extraordinary nurse in many ways to me. I trust Kathy and respect her judgment in dealing with my many physical issues. She can be depended on every time without fail, she is always performing the requests I have immediately with a willingness to facilitate the request with the utmost professional manner all the time. I always have confidence in her and do not worry whether the request was carried through to my doctor. For example, I call into Kathy, leave a message as to the issues, and I know Kathy will handle my issues in a professional manner required and I never worry about following up with her, nor do I feel a need to re-call her because I know Kathy has facilitated the issues to the correct person for a response. Kathy always informs me of any responses I need to know about. I have the utmost confidence and trust in her.
With the many nurses in the past that have cared for me, Kathy is without a doubt a lifesaver to me. You see, with my near-death experience, I depend on a nurse who has understanding, knowledge, and compassion for what I have been through. Kathy is all of that and more.
She is my bridge over trouble waters. Like a bridge over trouble waters, I would lay my life down for her any day, anytime, because she is a lifesaver to me. You see, it is next to impossible to talk to the doctor when I need to. Kathy is that vital bridge for me.
As a 20-year retired Los Angeles Police Officer, I know the importance of communicating effectively and speedily when needed. Kathy is an Extraordinary Nurse in all aspects. I couldn't ask for a better advocate.