Sophia Smith
October 2020
Arrowhead Regional Medical Center




Sophia brought him clothes and gave him positive feedback every morning and spent time talking to him and encouraging him.
Sophia is always happy, smiling, and creates a positive environment. She also spends time talking to the patients, uplifting them, and encouraging them if they are feeling sad or discouraged. I have a lot of placement issue patients on our unit and most of them don't have family members. They feel rejected and abandoned by their families. Sophia will spend time with them, encourage them, and pray for them. She will give them showers or help them cut their hair, shave and she brings them clothes from home. One of the patients was in and out of 1:1 sitter status due to suicidal ideation and depression. He has been here since April. He doesn't have family. Sophia brought him clothes and gave him positive feedback every morning and spent time talking to him and encouraging him. Every morning the patient would take a shower, put on his clothes, and walk around the unit. The patient told me that he doesn't want to leave this place because finally he found friends here and people care about him. For the first time, he feels safe. Sophia doesn't only come to work and perform her tasks, she spends time with her patients. She shows love, respect, and compassion regardless of who they are.