Therese Thoele
July 2017
Birth Center
HSHS St. John's Hospital
United States




Our first son was born in October of 2012. From the very beginning, while healthy, he was a difficult baby and since we were first-time parents, we were very much on edge. While in the hospital his first two nights, Therese went out of her way to keep an eye on us and gave us some rest by taking the baby to the nursery one night and the second night she fed him some formula and held him. I stepped out into the hallway that second night at about 3 am and I saw her and two other nurses holding babies.
We took the baby home late morning, two days later, and when I got home I realized I had left a bag in the closet of our room. I called the nurses' station and they had found our bag. Therese said not to bother to come to the hospital, she would deliver it to our apartment when she got off duty that evening. When she arrived, she looked over the baby and pronounced him fine, she gave us her cell number and said to call if we needed anything. One week later we did call her, the baby was always crying, and we were worried. Again, she came to our apartment and looked at him, she said he was fine, we just needed to hang in there, keep doing what we were doing and everything would be okay. She gave us some confidence that we were doing better as parents than what we thought.
Our second son was born in May of 2017. While he was not under Therese's direct care, she still went out of her way to stop in and congratulate us and to again say to call her if we needed anything. He seems to have more sensitive skin than our first baby and he was always having a rash, we used an entire tube of Desitin in two weeks and it just didn't seem to be doing the trick. I texted Therese to see if she had any suggestions; she did and his rash has been greatly reduced.
Therese goes way, way, way above the call of duty.