Heather White
April 2020
Oncology and Neurology
Boone Hospital Center
United States




My sister, R, was admitted to your hospital. We knew in our hearts she had cancer and the doctors were telling us "it was bad" as they were trying to determine what kind and if treatable. She was diagnosed with liver cancer days after her admission and we realized the doctors did not expect her to survive the weekend. She did and we brought her home where she passed away surrounded by friends and family.
Now that you know why we were in your hospital; I want to tell you about a member of your staff who helped R and her entire family through this week. Her name is Heather White. I can tell you, from experiencing firsthand, that she loves her job, her patients and treats the families as if they are her own. Heather was always around making sure R was comfortable and if we, as her family, needed anything. At one point, my brother, cousin, and I were talking in the hallway and Heather stops by and tells us if we needed her to screen phone calls, stop certain individuals from coming into R's room or do whatever, she would do it. We jokingly called her our "Bouncer" but told her it would not be necessary; however, I would put her on speed dial on my phone for future reference. Another time, Heather seemed to be having a very busy day and needed a small break, she came into R's room and asked if she could sit with us and we gladly said yes. She got to sit, but she was still working as we started asking her questions about R's condition again. She never missed a beat and I know, R's husband and I will never forget the care and compassion that Heather gave to just one of her patients.