March 2019
Advocate Christ Medical Center
Oak Lawn
United States




A man came up to me in a barbershop, after he saw my uniform, and asked what department I worked in. I told him OB. He smiled and asked if Nenita Williams worked there. I told him she has been there for over 30 years and is still one of our best nurses. He said she saved his wife's life. He said his wife experienced a complication after giving birth, and Nenita acted quickly and decisively, which led to prompt treatment and stabilization of his wife. He said his son is now 25, but every year on his birthday, he is reminded of the angel looking out for his family. He asked me to share his story with Nenita, and that he hopes she is well and happy. This brought tears to my eyes.
To this day, Nenita continues to be an incredibly strong and hard-working nurse. She consistently demonstrates sound clinical judgment to determine appropriate nursing interventions. She serves as a mentor and shares her knowledge and skills with novice nurses. She always shows kindness and compassion to her patients, families, and peers. It has been a real honor working with Nenita.