November 2018
ProMedica Toledo Hospital
United States




I want to thank Dena Goniea for her abundance of empathy during my trying days in a hospital bed, her effortless happiness she carried/carries with her every single day on her job, her knowledge and communication with me when I was her patient, her determination to go above and beyond to make me feel comfortable and satisfied, her willingness to listen to all my fears daily, her ability to give me sunshine and laughter with her uplifting spirits on my dark days, her patience, and most of all for making me feel 110% safe during my hospital stay while carrying my unborn baby last year.
I was diagnosed with Placenta Previa around my 20-week appointment. The doctors were hopeful that the placenta would move. Unfortunately, it stayed the same throughout my pregnancy and I was seen by MFM on countless visits, experienced extreme pregnancy bleeding, endured two scary ambulance rides, and had a dreadful order to be put on bedrest for a 3-week stay on the maternity ward.
Throughout all of my trials and tribulations during my pregnancy journey, I was assigned Dena as my nurse during my lengthy stay. She was a shield to me. She protected my worried mind and my constant 'what ifs'. She carried a smile always that I used to fall back on, on days I was crying endlessly. She gave me hope and reminded me 'this too shall pass'. Dena is truly one of a kind, bar none! Her job as a nurse is most definitely her calling and I want to thank her from the bottom of my heart for giving me so much hope and giving me the best care (emotionally and physically) during my short-lived painful journey. I've always wanted to give back to her somehow, someway. Dena needs to be recognized for her astonishing work and I wish every hospital in the world had a nurse like her.
Time has passed, a year and some days to be exact. I have a healthy, happy one-year-old daughter and I'm very grateful for the outcome that I was given. My pregnancy journey may not have been full of unicorns and rainbows, but I experienced the ultimate best care from a nurse who shed an abundance of light on a turbulent ride for me. I truly can't thank her enough.