Jeffrey Pinto
March 2017
Inpatient Behavioral Health
Newton Medical Center (NJ)
United States




Jeffrey is an outstanding psychiatric nurse. He is surrounded by a calming energy that assists with promoting a healing environment in the inpatient behavioral health unit. I have assisted on the inpatient unit several times during both medical and psychiatric codes. I was most impressed with one specific medical incident. The patient had undergone an acute change in mental status which was quickly recognized by Jeff. He promptly directed the unit representative to call a rapid response and then took vitals and obtained a blood sugar. During the rapid response the patient became anxious, Jeff honed in on her developing anxiety and reassured her. The patient was so grateful for Jeff's kindness and emotional support. Jeff provided clear instructions to all staff members assisting with the RRT in a respectful manor. While the IPBH staff work as a team they are assigned patients. The patient that Jeff was assisting was not one of his primary patients, reinforcing Jeff's commitment to working as a team player and ensuring the safety of all patients on the IPBH unit.
Even during times of non-crisis Jeff can be seen interacting with patients and providing the necessary emotional support they require. Jeff is role model to all the staff of IPBH and is actively engaged as the unit educator. Jeff teaches staff how to appropriately intervene to preserve patient dignity and avoid the use of restraints. He never hesitates to take the role of charge nurse and jump in where help is needed.