Jessica Small
November 2017
Harris Regional & Swain Community Hospitals
United States




I recently spent 5 days in the hospital following emergency surgery for removing my appendix. Jessie went above and beyond to take care of my needs.
Jessie was aware of my needs from post-op through discharge and did all that she could to best represent my changes in status and advocate for me to the doctors, cafeteria staff, the pharmacy, and even had a patient rep call me on Sunday to reassure me that my days in the hospital were covered by insurance! This is a well-rounded and well-connected nurse.
Jessie demonstrated competence in her knowledge and managing my pain and assisted the doctor to get the post-op pain under control. She was very respectful of me, my husband, and sister who asked way too many questions. Jessie answered each question with patience and encouragement.
Her attention to service, asking me what I may need, suggesting and encouraging walking, eating, even providing a dry shower cap when I was "in the dumps" all helped to lift me up and re-motivate me to recuperate and go home. She is a cheerleader and became a friend while taking care of me.
She made my stay as positive (and even fun at times), tolerating my husband's "app" that he found to assist me in getting points and progress my GI tract with gas. Yes, there is an "app" for that!
A true professional, thank you, Jessie!