March 2016
Seattle Children's
United States




Not all RNs chose to be primary nurses, but Linda was one who did. There was one patient in particular who started out the less ill of the twins, but soon overtook his brother in severity of illness, and Linda had chosen to be his primary. His twin went home, but he stayed. I saw her night after night as I came into the room that, as babies got older, we moved them into so that they could have a slightly more normal routine. Each evening she would be giving a bath and readying this little guy for bed, and at the end of the day, I would watch her take him lovingly into her arms and rock him to sleep in the rocker, watching the sunset through the windows on the west side of the building. Every time I think of this, I tear-up.
Where many would have said they'd tired of taking care of the same child day after day, Linda stayed with him. Right up until the end of his days, somewhere around the age of 22 months, I believe. Today, I see the same steadfast caring and loving way she has of taking care of our smallest, sickest, and sometimes least able to survive patients, and she never leaves them to another nurse.
Nothing has changed over the years in this dedication and commitment she has to her charges, and I have a great love for this in her. She deserves more than many I know, to be recognized and appreciated for all that she has done and continues to do, and for all the inspiration she brings to others who strive for excellence in nursing. I so appreciate her for this, and I hope that we can give her this long-deserved and very-delayed award.