Hayden Dutton
January 2018
Inpatient Surgery
Children's Health
United States




Hayden Dutton serves as a floor nurse on the C4 surgery and trauma floor, as well as a charge nurse and the day shift team leader. Hayden is a phenomenal nurse, co-worker, and leader, and always strives to place the needs of her patients before her own. Every single day that she works, she pours her heart and soul into her job, with a firm determination to make life better for children while also supporting the nurses she supervises. As our team leader, Hayden inspires us to provide the absolute best care to every single patient in every situation. Her constant hard work, patience, honesty, and understanding push us to exhibit those same traits. We strive for excellence every time we step onto the unit because we see Hayden doing the same. Though she has to fulfill certain office requirements, she frequently steps out to check on the unit and each nurse working that day. If one of the nurses appears stressed, she will lend a hand without question. If the charge nurse has a question, she will work through the answer with her. If a nurse expresses a concern about a patient, she will remain at the bedside. These small gestures seem to flow from Hayden with ease and mean more than she will ever know to the nurses on C4.
When I first started on C4 three years ago, Hayden acted as my preceptor. As an experienced nurse, I was hesitant and slightly resistant to the policies and procedures of Children's Health. I felt that I knew enough information to provide adequate care for my patients. I had previously worked at a pediatric hospital out of state that did not have a policy tracker, a committed education team, or even an IV team. I grew overwhelmed trying to learn and remember the new policies and found myself frustrated when Hayden always insisted I provided care "the Children's way". I finally voiced my concern to Hayden, and she responded in a way that has inspired me to not only knowbut to follow and to believe every policy we have at Children's. She said that policies keep children and nurses safe. Though they can vary in complexity, they exist to provide safe, effective, and consistent care to the children we serve. While she understood that sometimes they feel excessive, these policies guide every single practice at Children's. She suggested I try viewing them as helpful guidelines that would assist me in providing better care for children and families.
Hayden had the ability to shift my perception of these policies and inspired me to adapt to changes to meet the needs of the patients we serve. Hayden truly believes in the mission, values, and policies of Children's Health, and she consistently demonstrates this throughout her nursing practice.
Words cannot describe how much I respect Hayden. She goes above and beyond her regular tasks to ensure that patients and co-workers are having the best day possible and works to make a personal connection with each person she encounters. As a newer nurse, I often find myself running around from patient to patient, trying to find a balance between meeting their immediate needs while also hoping to create a positive experience. Hayden does this beautifully, and this is a gift I truly admire. Sometimes I find myself struggling, and Hayden always seems to know exactly what I need. She will admit and settle a patient for me, force me to stop and eat lunch, and administer medications without me asking her to do so. She seems to know my needs and the needs of each patient simply from observation. Though she does not always know it, she is constantly teaching us how to serve as better nurses and as a better team. I admire her diligence, professionalism, and genuine concern for her patients and her staff.