Barbara Phillips
April 2016
Baptist Medical Center
United States




Barb is the living example of the meaning of care and compassion. She takes her time to make sure that all the patients under her care feel at home. One situation is very easy to recall. A patient was having a very bad experience, she was complaining about how far she had to walk to the PACE department. While Barbara was in the process of walking her to her office for an interview, she stopped and smiled at the patient and said Mrs. --- I am listening to you, I can't say I understand what your day has been like, but what can I do to make this experience better?
She could have simply continued to just do her job or she could have even passed this situation along to her boss, but instead she became part of the solution. The patient smiled at her and said I am so glad that someone cares. Barbara does not stop at just caring for one person, she show this level of compassion to all her patients and the staff. This kind of caring becomes infectious to the staff around her, and all of us benefit. In fact, all of us have become more in tune to the needs of our patients and each other thanks to Barbara Phillips.