Debrenne Weddle
August 2017
Acute Surgical
Terre Haute Regional Hospital
Terre Haute
United States




I was caring for a patient in ICU who was involved in a motorcycle accident with her husband. The husband had minor injuries and was admitted to 4E. His wife had more severe non-life threatening injuries and was admitted to ICU. I was her nurse on night shift. She mentioned she hadn't heard much about her husband and was concerned. She was in a lot of pain, but couldn't focus on herself out of concern for her husband. I called 4E to see if I could at least arrange a phone call between them and maybe a short visit. Debrenne and I coordinated a phone call between them. The husband was so relieved to hear her voice and vice versa. He was also in some pain at the time, but both felt a little better after speaking. The wife mentioned she'd still feel better if she could just lay eyes on him. I called Debrenne back. She stated he was a mess with all of his injuries at that particular time, but we agreed that after getting them both cleaned up with a bath and hair wash she would let them try to rest and arrange a visit in the morning. The husband was scheduled for surgery the next morning. I explained to the wife the plan that Debrenne and I had and she smiled for me the first time all night. Debrenne and I stayed in contact several times that night to give updates to each spouse because they were restless. She never acted too busy to talk to me and was very sweet on the phone each time I called. That morning I went to get the husband in a wheelchair. Debrenne made sure he had pain meds and was comfortable before leaving her unit. Both husband and wife were so happy to see one another! I had never met Debrenne or spoken with her before this day, but she was so kind and caring to these patients.