Vicki Luce
December 2017
Heart Center
Stormont-Vail HealthCare
United States




First and foremost, Vicki's last name should be Angel because that's exactly what she's been for me and most importantly my sister. My aunt and I noticed that my sister's health was declining. My aunt has a friend who goes to the Heart Center and told us to contact them as a starting point to try and narrow down my sister's health decline. That's when our blessing began. When Vicki got on the phone I immediately felt through her voice that I had a hold on hope. My talking turned into tears because she made me feel like everything's going to be okay. She didn't know my sister but made me feel like it was her sister this was happening to and she was going to move heaven and earth to make it happen. Vicki told me not to worry that she would get the appointment for my sister at the Heart Center. Before the end of my workday, she called me back not only with an appointment at the Heart Center but also with a Pulmonologist and a nutritionist appointment. My sister has light in her eyes now and steadiness in her voice with the help of Vicki Luce. This lady is truly an Angel.