Jessica Church
December 2019
Cancer Care Clinic (Hematology/Oncology)
Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center
United States




I want to say, 'thank you' and commend the care that I have received in the Veteran Health Indiana Healthcare System. Most importantly, the oncology care team at the Roudebush VA Medical Center. The many professionals include my surgeon and surgical team, the oncology doctors, NPs, RNs and support staff. In my opinion, they have equaled or exceeded the care I received in the private sector.
One professional on my current care team stands out as, "the best of the best". Jessica Church, Nurse Practitioner, provides the special extras that separate her. As I contemplate the VA I-CARE Values, Jessica meets and/or exceeds expectations for each criterion. She is a master NP and models the professionalism and commitment stated in each value to every Veteran she serves.
Integrity - Jessica demonstrates a high degree of professionalism and is recognized by her colleagues as a leader in her delivery approach and patient care.
Commitment - Jessica displays to all VETS and their families a genuine and compassionate approach. She provides many special extras above and beyond my expectations that make her special. Her advice and expertise help me better understand my managed care.
Advocacy - Jessica is very patient-centered. She provides those traits that make me feel important. I am comfortable with her knowledge of my unique cancer issues and concerns and confident she has my best interests at heart in managing my care.
Respect - Jessica has earned my family's respect by treating us with dignity. She has connected with me in a manner that helps alleviate some of my most prominent cancer issues. I have developed a strong trust with her that is paramount in my managed care.
Excellence - Jessica promotes excellence in her every appointment. Whether its bad news, no news, or good news, she accentuates her delivery with positive and inspirational comments. Her excellence is undeniable as she perpetuates authentic hope to ensure a 'never give up' attitude, for quality days ahead.
I can't thank Jessica Church enough for all she does for me. Each visit I look forward to her positive, upbeat approach, always accentuated by her great smile and laughter. She exemplifies the VA's I-CARE Values and continues to be my "Shining Star" on my oncology team.
In closing, I applaud the VA's DAISY Award Committee for recognizing the compassionate care their nursing professionals provide to all Veterans. We appreciate their service!