March 2014
10 South - Oncology
Memorial Hospital of South Bend
South Bend
United States




I met Dorothy during my inpatient stay from September 28, 2013 through October 4, 2013. This was my third hospital stay since early August, 2013, which included a painful cancer diagnosis, and major emergency surgery to save my life. Although everyone at Memorial took great care of me at each stay, Dorothy stood out as a "breath of fresh air". Not only was she kind and friendly as were others; she was also very knowledgeable and willing to educate my wife and me about the many new issues we were learning to deal with; such as administering new meds, wound care, how-to's and why's and wherefores. She was very patient and understanding as she answered questions, demonstrated procedures, she was reassuring and easy to talk with.


I floated to the Oncology floor the day and saw Dorothy in street clothes. I asked someone if she had family here. I was told no, that she came in to be with a cancer patient before a major back surgery because she had no one that could be with her during that difficult time. The patient was divorced, and had a mother that she took care of and a son in prison.

Now I know Dorothy to be an above and beyond kind of nurse, but I was overwhelmed with awe at the loyalty and compassion that it takes to give of oneself like that. I hope that you see what a sacrifice that she so easily made.


Dorothy is always caring toward her patients, and her fellow staff members. She is really good at making the patients feel comfortable.