Erin Englehart
February 2015
Surgical Orthopedics
Cape Canaveral Hospital
Cocoa Beach
United States




This patient's nomination noted how impressed he was with Erin's attention to detail. Washing her hands with every interaction, greeting him with a smile and telling him her name. Even when "I was having a bad day she went out of her way to make me smile". She was timely with medications and care".

Erin's nurse manager identifies Erin as a positive force on the unit, engaging well with everyone she comes in contact with. She is a genuine asset on the 7 North team, and consistently provides a memorable experience for her patients.

Coordinating the award presentation was a challenge for the selection committee as Ering had recently given birth to baby Rylee Jane, only 7 days earlier. With the help of the CCH lactation consultant, the presentation went off beautifully and Erin was able to accept the award with her coworkers and hospital executives in attendance.