Heather J. Williams
September 2020
5800 Inpatient Oncology Unit
UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital
United States




We had the pleasure of meeting Heather at a very difficult time in our lives. My daughter had just been admitted with a recurrence of her breast cancer. At the age of 25, she was now facing stage 4 breast cancer. At that time of admission, we were very fortunate to have been assigned to Heather and we understand she was just beginning her employment as a nurse at Magee.
During that time, Heather showed an amazing level of compassion for our newfound diagnosis. So when my daughter was readmitted, we were more than delighted to see Heather's smiling face (behind the mask).
Heather made sure my daughter was kept abreast of each test or procedure that she would be having done, what it entailed, and what to expect afterward. She also made sure my daughter had her necessary medications on time around the clock. Heather was so friendly and personable; she managed to keep a smile on my daughter's face and always kept her laughing to keep her mind off what she was facing. My daughter actually said if she ever does have to come back again, she is praying she ends up with Heather because she truly made a difference in her care!
I was stressed out so bad and Heather sat in my room and talked to me to make me feel comfortable about being here going through this operation alone on my birthday. I was depressed and she came in at midnight singing Happy Birthday and she got me a "Black Forest Cupcake" and a s'mores cookie because I was not able to go camping for my birthday as I was supposed to! She truly made me feel comfortable going through this surgery!