Fariba Rahimieh
September 2020
St. Joseph's Hospitals and South Florida Baptist Hospital
United States




She is an extraordinary manager - she is the reason our floor so amazing. She, of course, gives the credit to her team members, but she is the one who gives us the room to be the amazing team we are. She truly cares about everyone and it shows every day. Our floor is not an easy one and we sometimes hear people talk about leaving but then say, "but I love the teamwork and we will never have a better manager to work for".
She treats everyone with dignity and respect. I have learned a lot from her over the years; She is an excellent teacher and mentor. I am often amazed at her ability to calm and relate to patient's problems and take the most irate patient and have the situation turned around in a matter of minutes. She fights for her staff, what is right, and ALWAYS gets all sides of a story before making a decision. Our floor has had many DAISY Honorees and I do not think the Honorees are ever as excited as she is. She always tells them how proud she is of them. She has faith and trust in her team members and gives us the tools we need to provide extraordinary care to our patients.
She says that family is important and she has created a family on our unit. She was the first visitor I had after having my baby. After returning to work after having surgery I got sick, she personally called the surgeon and then took me to the ER, then called me at home to check on me. These are just a few of the reasons I believe she is a DAISY Nurse Leader.
Here are what some of my fellow team members have to say about her:
"Her door is always open, and she is consistently willing to listen, whether it is personal or work-related. She regularly reminds us that she is here for us if needed. She is continually looking and listening for ways to improve the work environment and workflow. She helps engender the loving familial feeling on our unit. She regularly demonstrates respect and compassion for her staff as well as patients and is consistently supportive and receptive to new ideas. She always does her best to accommodate staff when necessary and is willing to jump in and help on the floor as needed. Everyone feels so lucky that we have the best Boss EVER!!
One instance that sticks out, I was having severe pain and got rushed to the ER. I found out that I had a mass in my pelvis and that I would have to have one of my ovaries removed. It was a very scary experience, she was in the ER comforting me and reassuring me that there was no need to worry about my job, that they were already working on helping me apply for FMLA. I was transferred to Women's for surgery and she came the next day to check on me. Especially in times like those, that support and trust are indispensable."
Another team member shared:
"She is a genuinely compassionate person; she truly cares about her team members - wait, I mean her family. She cries with us, laughs with us, celebrates with us. We are proud to represent her, and you can see the look of pride when her team members get compliments, receives a DAISY Award, finish school, or whatever goal they have been working on. She is the reason we excel as a team".
Many team members share that this leader is compassionate. She is fair with everything and everyone. Treats us as individuals. Her door is always open and she will stop what she is doing to listen to us. She is kind, understanding, and listens to all sides; she doesn't just jump to conclusions. She has created a family, and she cares about her family. Family comes first and if there is something going on with your family and you need to be off, she works with us and for us to help us get a shift covered. She is a great communicator, takes the time to sit, listen, and explain. She is always there when we need her".
She wants the best for her team and for our patients. We are lucky to have such a wonderful leader; we love her and any success we have on our floor is because of her.
Fay Rahimieh, Nurse Manager at St. Joseph's Hospital Main, Surgical Unit II is truly a DAISY Nurse Leader.