Mary Eckstein
November 2019
Providence VA Medical Center
United States




I went in for two tumors to be removed. Mary was so cheerful. I was really nervous due to my PTSD. I started to cry and she held my hand and told me she would take good care of me. Mary went ahead with all of the preparations for me to get ready for surgery. After 2 hours, I came out and saw her smiling face saying I was all done. Mary asked me about my breathing. I had been seeing a doctor for my breathing. Mary went right to work and had me hooked up to a machine. Mary's questions were helpful. I am going to see a cardiac doctor at the VA. I told Mary all the things I have done have not helped me from being short of breath. I have had Mary before and she was just as nice then as now. After coming back from Vietnam, there are not a lot of people I trust. I placed my life in her hands. Thank you, Mary Eckstein."