Adriane Smith
September 2013
Medical Surgical Cardiology Unit
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Iowa City
United States




I have been in the medical profession for several years. I had the pleasure/honor of graduating from this very medical school. I recently have been dealing with co-morbid illnesses. Even dealing with one of these can be difficult. I was hospitalized and underwent aortic valve replacement. Unrelated, I've also been dealing with some venous stasis ulceration. They are very painful and will no doubt slow my progress regarding the heart. At one point, the frustration got to the point that I lost my way and "gave up." Nurse Smith recognized this and came to my aid. I just saw myself as a burden to the staff here and a burden to my family in the near future. Nurse Smith recognized my fears and concerns. She listened (and even though we all know this, it's a shame how many of us don't do this, listen). She listened to me about my medical concerns. I will not point out everything she helped me with but a few specific points. As I previously mentioned, I have venous stasis ulcers which cause so much pain. I wasn't rude but I wouldn't let anyone touch the lesions. They clearly needed to be changed due to the serosanguinous drainage. But I would not allow any of the ancillary staff to look at, let alone touch, my wound. I wanted the vascular surgeons to see it. She went beyond her duties, ensured and pacified me that a consult meeting was set up with the vascular surgeons. She talked with the physician and helped establish adequate pain management. She cleaned and changed my dressing. She reaffirmed and re-solidified my confidence in the institution, the staff, and physicians. We do our work because we are called to it. We excel at our work when it is a part of us. I think that nursing, taking care of people and helping people is a "part" of Nurse Adriane Smith.