Denise Rachumi
August 2020
Infusion Services
Lehigh Valley Hospital - Pocono
East Stroudsburg
United States




Denise has the unique position of having been a staff nurse at the Cancer Center before becoming our director. She knows the staff, the patients, the doctors, and the ins and outs of our departments. She is always available via text, tiger text, or phone. She is able to step in and start or take over a patient when we are busy, overwhelmed, exhausted, or need to take a lunch break. She sets up in-services to keep us up to date on all newest meds and has monthly staff meetings to bring up any questions, concerns, or to give us updates on anything going on at LVH-P. She encourages us to continue our education, to come up with ideas to improve the unit and helps to improve staff morale by bringing us treats, decorating, and helping to celebrate our birthdays. She encourages us to work out issues amongst staff but will step in and deal with tough situations if it is needed. She is not only a manager, but she is also an ear to listen, a nurse who will jump in and work beside you, a charge nurse when we need that nurse to fill in on the floor, and a caring shoulder to lean on for families that are in desperate need of hope or just a hug. Most importantly... she is our Director, but she's also our friend.
Denise is a wonderful manager, but she is also a wonderful leader and has been since before she took on the Nurse Manager position. She has been a great role model for the other nurses in the department and is always willing to help when the staff has questions. She is willing to jump in and help when things get overwhelming and works hard to help us, as a team, create a positive and effective work environment.
Denise goes above and beyond for her employees. She leads by example and is always kind and willing to assist as needed.