Teri Feit
September 2020
Bryan Medical Center
United States




Teri Feit was nominated by a family who had premature twins born at 28 weeks in March. They had experienced a complicated pregnancy so expected the twins to spend time in the NICU thinking they were somewhat prepared for the emotional roller coaster that entails, but it ended up being so much more than they could have ever imagined. They had three other kids at home and a week after the girls were born, schools were canceled due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. To say this was a stressful time would be an understatement.
The parents passed along their thanks and gratitude to the talented and hard-working group of nurses, doctors, and professionals in the NICU who took care of the girls with a level of compassion and expertise that they will forever be grateful for. But Teri was one nurse who really stood out. They watched through the hallway window into their room while numerous people were moving about doing a procedure on one of the tiny babies the first night. They shared that this was the most helpless feeling a parent can have. But after the procedure was done and they were allowed back in their room, "Teri took care of us. She explained what every machine, tube, light, and monitor was for. She walked us through everything that she was doing for the girls and answered every single question that we had. She did all this with a calmness and compassion that relieved our anxiety and she always took time to help us alleviate any concerns that we had during our NICU stay. She took care of our girls with a kindness that was unmatched."
Their other kids could not visit due to the pandemic, so Teri would send gifts home to the kids. She wrote individual notes to each and it made them feel so special. She has a true calling as a NICU nurse and Bryan is lucky to have someone of that caliber on staff.