Kristen Peters
September 2020
Inpatient Care Unit
HSHS St. Joseph's Hospital Highland, IL
United States




I was transferred to the floor from the ER in excruciating pain caused by gallstones. My doctor stated that I would need surgery the following day to remove it. A little back story - I have been through many extensive surgeries that have left me immunocompromised. Many, many years of testing, surgeries, ins, and outs of all aspects of the hospital. The one thing that I have learned is that having the "right" nurse can make all the difference between healing and moving forward or simply healing in fear of returning because of the lack of care and compassion. This has not been the case with Kristen. From the moment I was taken to my room, she expressed so much compassion and understanding of how I was feeling. She asked questions and actually "LISTENED" to my answers with hopes of finding a solution. I was very impressed! A nurse who was willing to take her time with me and not just quickly get through it in order to move to the next. She could tell I was fearful of the unknown. After taking in all my information she talked to me like a friend putting my mind at ease. Kristen discussed all of my options and asked me what I was comfortable with.
Fast forward a few days and she is now treating me post-op. Her attitude and demeanor never changed! Constantly checking in on me, making sure I remained comfortable all while providing excellent care. Kristen made this experience a good one for me. She put my mind at ease and is to-date, my FAVORITE nurse so far. My gratitude cannot be expressed in words. However, Thank You Kristen! It has been a pleasure being your patient!