August 2016
Maternal Child Health
Kaiser Permanente Vallejo Medical Center
United States




I have had a long and dangerous journey with my pregnancy and having been pregnant once before I knew what to expect but twins were a whole different experience. That being said, part of my birth plan was to deliver in Roseville. At 35 weeks 3 days, good for twins, I went into regular contractions and was told to go to another hospital. In the long and short of that my experience was terrible, I was filled with nothing but fear and confusion and was given medicine that I did not want and was later recommended that I didn't need to take. After being sent home I decided my babies health and survival depended on me making it to a hospital that could handle my delivery. My hope of Roseville was unrealistic so I became at peace that Vallejo was the spot. At 36 weeks to the day I just felt weird, so I called in and I said I have had a baby before and I am not in excruciating labor but something is off. The lady who answered the phone explained how they are available for me to call even when I was not sure and/or to come in to get checked. This was reassuring because in the past I was made to feel like I was being a bother unless I was contracting so hard that I couldn't talk and contractions had to be 2-5 min apart so thank you for the person on the phone. Because of the advice and acceptance on the phone, my husband and I decided to head into L&D and much to my surprise I was already 4cm. Things got real and also really scary. I feared for my girls health, I was afraid of the c-section only option due to baby A being breech), my own health and recovery. I had many thoughts running through my head. This is where this letter comes into play. I really need to let someone know how amazing and special some of your staff was to me. First is the nurse I was assigned, she chatted with me for awhile, learning my story and how hard and scary my pregnancy had been. I know it comes with being a nurse to build report, however she was different, she knew how nervous I was to the point of shaking uncontrollably, sweating, and tears. She talked to me about the great surgeon that would be doing my surgery, the anesthesiologist who is the quickest and sweetest and how everything was going to go step by step. It put me at ease and prepared me that there are risks with any surgery but I have the best of the best and they can handle my delivery. It didn't end there though, she found out when I would be going into surgery, it was during her lunch, and she chose to take her lunch early so that she could be there to support me during my c-section. I want you to know what an amazing nurse you have and that she goes above and beyond the basics of many other nurses I have come in contact with.
My surgeon sat there during surgery and talked me through what he was doing and that I was okay and they are watching my vitals and the babies very closely. My anesthesiologist was also talking me through. She was holding my other hand and telling me my vitals were great and helping me to relax and remain.
I know there were many nurses and staff that attended to my husband, girls, and I during my 4-day stay, however, this staff was special and I want to thank them and let you know what amazing people you have. I know that their job is to care for patients but to go above and beyond means more to me than you know. Especially for a woman like myself that was pregnant, emotional, hormonal, and nervous. On this day they made my Kaiser Vallejo stay so meaningful. I left after my stay saying God has blessed me with this experience and putting these wonderful people on the schedule that day, and as soon as I can I want and need to make it known how great they are. I thank your department and for them changing the scariest and unknown time in my life. I hope that you do not just smile and say that you are glad I had a great experience and move on, but really let them know.