Jodie Van Vliet
April 2016
Neuro Critical Care Unit
Doctors Medical Center Modesto
United States




Jodie Van Vliet is a shift manager on our unit. She is always helpful and ready to assist anyone on the unit. Most recently we had a float in from another unit, she was very busy with procedures and transports all shift. In addition, she had a transfer and a new admit late in the day. Jodie managed to oversee the entire unit, helping everyone, and always made sure the nurse floating in had everything she needed and was not alone as floating into a busy assignment can be very stressful and overwhelming at times. With the new admit, the patient was covered in lice. Jodie gowned up and combed out the confused patient's hair for an hour, freeing up the float nurse to chart and provide care for her other patient. This is normal behavior for Jodie. She is a great leader, a great team player, and always ready to help provide insight and hands-on help! We appreciate her!