JIll Roberts
August 2014
Trauma Services
Trinity Mother Frances
United States




Jill is a pleasure to work with. She is always busy trying to do what is best for her patients. She is very helpful and easy to talk to. She has excellent communication skills, and serves as a bridge between the physicians and other departments, including pharmacy. As a pharmacist, I understand that physicians are busy and have many important things to do for their patients. Some of the medication issues that are important to us as pharmacists may not be as high on their minds, and rightfully so in most cases. Jill Roberts serves to bridge the gap and communicates the concerns and recommendations we have to the physicians. I do not know what we would do without her. She is a very valuable member of the team, always willing to take time to listen. She exemplifies many of the service standards Trinity Mother Frances stands for. She embodies effective communication, teamwork, and responsiveness, but also accountability and fostering a patient-centered culture. I am proud to nominate this nurse for the DAISY award! B.N.,Pharmacist


Jill Roberts is the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (ACNP) for our trauma surgeons. When I describe her to patients and families, I often refer to Jill as the trauma surgeon's "left hand". Truly our program at Trinity Mother Frances would not be nearly as efficient and exemplary without Jill. Although she is a nurse practitioner, Jill has never forgotten she's a nurse first. She cares for her patients and the nurses caring for them.

She cries for them, she cries with them. She is aggressive when needed and recognizes when it's the time not to be. She is thorough with all her assessments and chart reviews. There have been several times she discovered information that has improved the care of the patient. She is a strong advocate for her patients and is a great liaison to us as nurses with the physicians. I know she has stayed late multiple times to care for the patients. I feel at peace when she's around because I know that I have a person I can call with anything.

I remember a patient, symptomatic and bleeding out, level one blood infuser going. This patient was dumping blood out of his chest tubes equivalent to what we were putting in. Jill didn't leave. She ordered what was needed to save his life. This patient was a young man. Jill does this on an everyday basis. The nurses on our unit are always grateful for her. She deserves so much credit for her dedication. So many patients are alive, and or have decreased length of hospital stays because of her. She, in my eyes, and the eyes of my colleagues, could receive this award each and every month for her extraordinary nursing.

We thank her, probably not enough. We love her. I love her. I look up to her and hope one day I will leave the legacy she is creating on a daily basis. L.L co-worker