Kathleen Scheltinga
January 2019
University of Washington Medical Center
United States




Kathleen Scheltinga is a role model for new and experienced staff who has a heart full of compassion.
Kathleen is a very hard worker who, on the worst days, still has hilarious anecdotes and is able to make you laugh. She can find humor in the most difficult of times. Kathleen is fantastic to work with and is always willing to help; she even arranges to bring in meals on holidays to share. She is not afraid to laugh at things she may do herself. She is easy going and always has interesting takes on life. She is a great resource for all to go to and ask for advice anytime. Kate never gives up on staff or patients who may not be open to assistance or concern. Kate always lends a hand without hesitation and is always ready to help out to cover a shift if needed.
Kathleen is kind and caring to even the most difficult patients. In one example, she was bitten by a patient but was able to restrain her from harming herself before worrying about her own injury. Without hesitation, she will step into the most difficult situations.
Kathleen has been a brilliant staff RN concerned for patient and staff safety and has gone above and beyond to help people.