Stacey Williams
April 2019
Joint & Spine
Cedar Park Regional Medical Center
Cedar Park
United States




I had a total knee replacement at your facility. This letter is to simply express my appreciation and gratitude for an outstanding employee, Stacey Williams.
Ms. Williams provided an impressive pre and post-operative training session. She was a good speaker, eager to answer questions, and respectful. Her professional demeanor was exceptional. She supplied a Guidebook for Knees, a very good tool. She had visual aids, i.e. a sample of a titanium knee, slides, etc., and an incentive spirometer for breathing exercises. She explained how to take care of ourselves prior to the procedure, possible side effects, and post-op treatment.
To my surprise, she DARED to share her own personal cell phone # for the trainees/patients to contact her for any questions. I am unaware if this act is common in your facility or anywhere else, but I definitely took it to heart as I texted her on numerous occasions when I had any concerns while I recovered at home. In my opinion, that act was above and beyond the call of duty. Her responses were prompt, and addressed my issues in a manner I could understand.
I stayed overnight at the hospital and she came by my room both days. It was good to see a familiar face in the midst of multiple medical personnel coming in and out of my room during my short stay.
I am returning to CPRMC for another training by Ms. Williams soon for a total left knee replacement. Looking forward to getting their services again.