Tracy Genetti
November 2018
Primary Care
Charles George VA Medical Center
United States




Every nurse has a story to share about a challenging patient. You know, the one who may be labeled as non-compliant or "a frequent flier" because they return time and again for the same things, likely as a result from poor healthcare choices. Well, I would like to recognize Tracy Genetti, one of our fellow nurses for the exceptional way she assisted and continues to assist and coach a patient like the description above. Mr. X is a Veteran with a complex mental health history to include suicidal ideation and mood disorders as well as a complex medical history, who presented as a walk-in to primary care after leaving an outside facility against medical advice following a fasciotomy.
Mr. X had a wound vac dressing in place with no vacuum canister and was complaining of severe pain and swelling. Initially, Mr. X was triaged to the ED for further evaluation. However, care coordination proved difficult due to the Veteran's condition and resistance to being admitted for appropriate care. This resulted in multiple walk-in nurse clinic appointments in primary care for in depth wound assessment, care coordination, pain management and collaboration with various psychosocial resources. Tracy even contacted outside agencies in attempt to arrange pet care over a period so the Veteran would agree to admission for his treatment.
This care and the Veteran's behavior continued over several months. Each encounter, Tracy has with this Veteran is met with sincere, non-judgmental compassion. Educating and re-educating this Veteran, coaching and re-Coaching, and always encouraging Mr. X to make health choices. Tracy always meets the Veteran where he is in the moment and goes above and beyond with each encounter for this Veteran in every attempt to empower him to take control of his health and recovery. She continues to do so daily, demonstrating the compassion and commitment that brought many of us in the field of nursing.