Tiffany Cunningham
November 2017
Aurora Health Center - Good Hope Clinic
Aurora Health Care Ambulatory
United States




My dad is 90 and my mom is 83. I can't tell you how much we have appreciated Tiffany Cunningham and her dedication to the program. My dad really looks forward to her "check-in" calls, which says a lot as he is normally not the most gracious on the phone with anyone. Whenever he or my mom talk to her about issues they have big smiles on their faces, and when they explain their discussion to me, they are always pleased. Normally, my brother, my sister-in-law or I go to my parent's appointments. However, it makes us feel good that if we can't make it, Tiffany is normally at the appointment with them, or if she can't be there she makes sure she follows up and sends out documentation so that my brother and I can review. My parents feel confident that if they need questions answered they can call Tiffany and she responds timely. Because they know she is a nurse they are comfortable and confident about her answers. I have called Tiffany a couple times to get clarification and she was very positive and returned my call timely.
There is a particular situation that I would like to tell you about regarding Tiffany where I thought she was outstanding. My dad would have never been able to arrange this. It would have taken a lot of time for my brother or me to resolve or know where to start. My dad called Tiffany because of a red sore on his face and some dots around that. Tiffany was able to get him in to his doctor. The doctor put in a referral to a dermatologist who is very hard to get into see. While we were still there she tried the Good Hope clinic for a dermatologist and East Mequon, both were booking a few months out. I asked if she could try the Menomonee Falls clinic which she did but they were apprehensive because the providers usually at East Mequon and Good Hope do not work in Menomonee Falls. Upon talking to someone in the Falls location, Tiffany was able to determine that Dr. C needed to change how the order was placed and that most locations do have some appointments set aside for pressing issues. Then she took a picture of my dad's face to show the dermatologist. Because she knew it may be a while yet to get an appointment, she had us go home but said she would call later in the day, and she did. She was able to get an 8 AM appointment the next day! I know Tiffany said this was a good learning situation for her as she is still understanding how everything works, but she is so confident that you wouldn't know it. There is no way my parents could have done this as it was so confusing. As I indicated earlier, my brother and I would not have had time to do that ourselves.