Michelle Powell, RN
August 2015
Gibson - Oncology
Maine Medical Center
United States




...Michelle reviews care plans, in particular our oncological patients, and discovers potential problems that need to be addressed. She could "let the day shift handle it" but whenever possible she makes it a point to address the situation. Working the night shift can make this difficult but she believes that nursing is a 24 hour job and advocacy is not limited to 9 to 5. Michelle has made it her responsibility to promote and follow through with anything that would improve patient outcomes: Teaching, insuring that protocols are followed by the physicians, and reviewing past charts for lapses in treatment of conditions that may not be acute but if ignored could be. Michelle is a tireless navigator for upholding what is best for patient care.

One situation in particular was a lymphoma patient that had recently received Methotrexate, a chemotherapeutic agent that can be toxic in higher does and must be given with a rescue drug called Leukovorin. This patient had been given Methotrexate, started on the rescue drug and transferred to a facility for rehabilitation. The patient was readmitted with toxicities from this treatment. Michelle took the time to research the chemotherapeutic drug the patient received and advocated for the Leukovorin to be restarted. By advocating for this patient and this critical rescue medication that they needed, they were able to reduce his creatinine and get him back to rehabilitation and eventually home. If this patient had not received this critical medication his outcome could have been significantly impacted. It is Michelle's attention to detail that prevented significant harm to this and many other patients in her care.

When a problem arises needing a solution, Michelle is tireless in pursuing not just an answer, but the most correct answer for the particular situation. She readily shares her knowledge and new information with her co-workers. At times it may not be the easiest course, but Michelle always strives to communicate with physicians and staff regarding correct protocols and strongly advocates for the best outcome individually tailored to each patient and situation. Her instincts are spot on, and usually she is correct in her decisions. Patients often comment about the wonderful quality of care she delivers.


Michelle is amazing to work with. Whenever she is around I feel like she is on my side, a solid, reliable, knowledgeable, and admirable part of our team on nights. I was moved when she came to help me with a complicated patient while she was in the charge RN role. It took a lot of time for us to care for this patient and her response when I apologized for taking so much of her time was, "I just want to be a part of the team and the care." As a newer nurse, especially on nights, she makes me feel warm, welcome and supported. She is always happy to help.


Michelle is an invaluable source of nursing knowledge. She almost always knows the right answer to any question that I have, and if she doesn't, she will take the time to research the issue so that nursing isn't making any mistakes. She is a fearless patient advocate. On the night shift we are sometimes hesitant to call an attending physician, not wanting to bother them. Michelle, when she is in charge, says it is never wrong to call. For Michelle this business is truly about the patient.


These are just some of the comments I have heard and are reverberated by others. "Thorough." "She gives high quality care." "She thinks outside the box and catches what could be potential problems." "Knowledgeable." and "Supportive to new staff."