Lorin Powell
February 2016
Labor Hall
Saint Joseph East Women's Hospital
United States




I was admitted for a scheduled induction on the night of May 24. The next morning, Lorin came in as my dayshift nurse. She thoroughly explained everything to me about what to expect throughout the day. One of my biggest fears was that the nursing staff would assume that I knew all about the labor and delivery process because I'm a nurse, but Lorin did not assume anything. She guided me through every step of the process and I greatly appreciated it. As the day went on and my labor progressed, I started having severe pain. After my doctor came in, increased my Pitocin, and broke my water, my pain kept getting worse and worse. Lorin was monitoring my contractions, but my internal monitor was showing that I was not having any contractions. Lorin called the doctor (who had already left the hospital) about my pain, but he instructed her to continue increasing my Pitocin and to continue to monitor me and my contractions. I thought that maybe I was just weak and that I should just try to deal with the pain, but Lorin insisted on taking other measures. She took it upon herself to find the midwife who worked on OB and asked her to come and see me because she felt that something wasn't right. The midwife came in to see me and found that my internal contraction monitor was clotted off and was not picking up my intense contractions. She immediately turned off my Pitocin and asked if I wanted an epidural. I was so happy that the reason for my pain was found and gladly accepted the epidural. I am so thankful that Lorin was insistent on helping to control my pain and resolve the issue.
As I progressed throughout the day, Lorin was always there for me. She continued to explain what was happening and what to expect next. When the time finally came for me to start pushing, I was surprised to see that there was no doctor there to run the show, just my fantastic nurse. I couldn't have been more pleased with her! She coached me an kept me calm and positive and was so helpful with instructing my husband how to help me as well. She was so encouraging, even after nearly an hour and a half of pushing. She made me feel like I was in control of the situation and that I was doing a great job, even though we were not having much success. She called the doctor to examine me. She explained to me before he came in that there was a possibility that the doctor might suggest the use of forceps because my baby was not coming down. I was nervous about this but Lorin explained the process to me very well and reassured me. When the doctor came in an examined me, he did suggest the use of forceps, and thanks to Lorin, I had already had time to think about this and discuss it with my husband, so we agreed.
After trying this and pushing more, the baby began to go into distress and the doctor decided I needed an emergency C-section. I was terrified but Lorin stayed by my side the entire time and continued to explain everything to me and reassure me. The next 15 minutes are a blur to me, but I remember that Lorin was there the whole time. After the delivery, when I was back in my room, Lorin was there. Her shift was over, but she stayed with me. I was shaking uncontrollably and was very emotional. Lorin explained to me that all of this was normal and that I did great. I was starting to feel like a failure for not successfully delivering my baby, but Lorin insisted on making me feel like I had accomplished a great feat and that I was amazing and strong. She made those feelings of failure go away.
I feel so blessed to have had Lorin by my side on the most important day of my life. I don't know if she had any other patients or responsibilities, but she made me feel like I was the only patient in the hospital. She is an amazing nurse and provides the best care. Others should model their behavior and actions after hers to ensure that best patient outcomes and satisfaction.
I truly feel that Lorin was my guardian angel that day. I can never repay her for all she did for me and for helping my baby girl into this world safe and sound.