July 2020
Birth Center
Maine Medical Center




When you are given some of the worst news of your life, one of the best people to have with you is Caren. Her compassionate care and exceptional clinical skill in the delivery of care can be used as an example for all nurses.
My wife and I endured some of the worst days of our lives. We lost our daughter at 33 weeks gestation. Our daughter suffered a cord accident and was not able to join us in this world, alive.
After a completely normal ultrasound the Friday before, we found ourselves rushing to the hospital on our doctor's request, on Thursday because my wife could not feel our baby moving. Our family lives about an hour away from Maine Medical Center. We were often asked why we chose MMC as our hospital to have our children born in when we are surrounded by so many hospitals that provide quality care around us. The answer is simple: Maine Medical Center is the best equipped, trained, and ready to handle anything that may come their way.
I know this because I, too, am a registered nurse, and previously worked at our local Children's Hospital. I have seen what the medical team is capable of, and I trust my wife and our children's lives in the hands of the capable staff at MMC.
Upon arrival to the Labor and Delivery unit, my wife and I were concerned but quickly greeted with the comforting presence of Caren. She came into the room and performed her duties flawlessly. She quickly identified that something was not right and was in contact with the Senior Resident Doctor, requesting her to come to the bedside with an ultrasound. While the doctor was en route, Caren knew what was going on after attempting to get a heartrate with the fetal monitor and being unsuccessful. I personally know what it is like to know information about a patient, and not be able to react until there is a doctor present. It takes incredible strength to maintain composure and Caren did exactly that. She continued to care for my wife and me without skipping a beat.
When the doctor confirmed our worst nightmare with us, it knocked the breath out of our bodies and broke our hearts into a thousand pieces. The first person to start our journey of healing was Caren. She stayed with us and helped calm us from the hysteria we felt.
To put more stress on the situation, as everyone is aware, we are in the middle of a global pandemic. Our family could not be by our sides to comfort us and share our pain. Caren stepped in. She held us - physically and emotionally. When you are given some of the worst news of your life, one of the best people to have with you is Caren. Her compassionate care and exceptional clinical skill in the delivery of care can be used as an example for all nurses. Caren went above and beyond the call of duty of a nurse, voluntarily staying with us many, many hours after her shift had ended, just to make sure we had everything we needed. She consoled us through the C-section and received our daughter from the surgical field, to hand us our daughter to hold for the first time. Caren is a true DAISY Nurse.