Katerina Newman
November 2020
Observation Unit
Henry Ford Hospital




Katerina explained things to me in a way I could understand. I know that she is my angel.
When doing patient rounding yesterday, one of my patients stated to me, "There's a nurse that I need to nominate for a DAISY Award. She needs to win it." I told the patient I would come and pick it up from her after she wrote it, but unfortunately, the patient was simply too weak and in too much pain to write the nomination herself.
When rounding on her again, I asked the patient if the nurses and doctors had been communicating to her in a way that she could understand. The patient said, "That one nurse! I need to nominate her for a DAISY. When I was down in Observation, there I was, sitting on the side of my bed. I was crying and just asking God 'Why? Why is this happening to me?' As I prayed to God to give me a sign, it was at that moment that this nurse, Katerina, knocked on my door and came in. She sat with me and explained things to me in a way I could understand. She answered questions I had about what was going on with my body for the past ten years. Don't get me wrong; I'm thankful for the doctors that have cared for me for the past four years, but Katerina explained things to me in a way I could understand. I know that she is my angel. Katerina is the angel that God sent to me as a sign."
I don't personally know this nurse, but the patient was crying as she told me the story. Whatever she did for this patient, this patient is forever grateful and will always remember her as an angel.