Rebecca Rojas
November 2020
Banner Estrella Medical Center




Rebecca stayed with me to the very end. I knew then that the Lord put Rebecca there to help me get through this tough time.
My daughter went to the emergency room in a life or death situation. At the time I was working in Environmental Services in the ED Dept. My ex-wife called me telling me my daughter just got to the hospital. My daughter arrived in an ambulance. I went to Nurse Rebecca (who I didn't really know) to find out where my daughter was. She took the time to explain to me step by step and helped me communicate with the doctor. As things got worse, the other RNs looked panicked and talked amongst themselves, but Rebecca remained calm and was with me going back and forth between caring for my daughter and keeping me up to date. Later on, the doctor told me they were transferring her to Banner University. Rebecca went out of her way to make sure I was able to ride with my daughter in the ambulance. She stayed with me to the very end. I knew then that the Lord put Rebecca there to help me get through this tough time.
I don't think people understand how housekeeping staff are overlooked, but Rebecca didn't see an EVS tech. She saw a father stressing about his daughter. It showed me how valuable nurses are and how they need to be more appreciated at the hospital. I never told Rebecca how much that meant to me and my daughter that night. Banner should know how professional and caring Rebecca is. I have made a friend for life.
Note: This is Rebecca's 2nd DAISY Award!