Mel West
December 2020
Medical Care Unit
Bay Area Hospital




Mel is a devoted hard-working manager who is an amazing mentor.
Mel is my manager. She is by far the best manager I have EVER had. She is always 10 steps ahead of everyone, making sure to be proactive and ahead of schedule. As well, she is beyond kind and selfless. Even though she has her own life to take care of she sees the needs and burdens of others and strives to care for them to the best of her ability. Mel is always checking schedules and if you missed a punch or something is off on your time card you better believe she is already looking at it and getting a hold of you. I've had a few rough months with family emergencies and Mel has taken the time out of her day to make sure I am getting the help I need so I can be with family. I appreciate her more than she knows!
Melinda has previous experience with floor nursing and understands the duties/elements of the job. She creates a well-functioning department by communication via email, walk-throughs, and availability in her office for private conversations. She encourages continued education of staff and helps promote cross-training to other areas in the dept. i.e., dialysis, chemotherapy, pediatrics, and end of life patients. She serves as a liaison between staff and administration to make sure our needs or concerns are met. She is a devoted hard-working manager who is an amazing mentor. Although I have heard she is retiring it will be a loss to the hospital, but she is deserving of recognition for all she has done for me as a nurse and the dept. as a team leader.
She took the opportunity to give me a chance at employment without current hospital experience and believed in me, as well as others in the same situation. She sees others' potential.
I value our work friendship.