Emilia Moser
December 2020
Women and Infant Services
Banner Ironwood Medical Center




Emilia did not rush us to make a decision and she provided so much comfort to my wife. She let us know that she truly wanted us to make the best decision for our family.
I just want to start off by saying that this is our 2nd delivery here at Banner Ironwood Hospital and again our expectations have been met and exceeded! Every person, nurse, doctor, and staff have treated us with respect, love, and care. We are so happy with the service we have received. We are grateful for everyone who placed a role in the delivery of our baby girl.
We would like to send a special thank you to Emilia, our delivery nurse. My wife's entire pregnancy, she was planning a VBAC delivery and she was a good candidate. The morning of her induction, the baby was still very high and induction did not appear like the most favorable option.
For some unknown reason, my wife became unusually emotional and asked our nurse, Emilia, about the option of a C-section. Emilia took a seat and began to listen to all of my wife's concerns and fears. She explained to us all of the options and possibilities and she suggested that we should consider the best option for my wife and our new baby.
Emilia did not rush us to make a decision and she provided so much comfort to my wife. She let us know that she truly wanted us to make the best decision for our family. My wife and I had the opportunity to discuss the situation and we said a prayer. We went ahead and made the decision to have a C-section.
After our decision, my wife felt a great sense of calm although she was still a little nervous about the upcoming surgery and delivery for our baby. This sense of calm seemed to be an answer to our prayers. A while later, our sweet baby girl was delivered healthy and safely into this world with the help of much more staff, doctors, nurses, and anesthesiologists.
Upon our daughter's birth, we learned that the umbilical cord was wrapped twice around her neck. We do not know what the outcome would have been if we had attempted an induction, but we fear the outcome would not have been as favorable.
More than anything, I just want to express our gratitude to everyone who helped our baby girl arrive safely on this earth from heaven. We are especially grateful to Emilia. It is no coincidence that she was placed in our path. Her genuine concern and love were what we needed to help us make an informed decision. Her counsel and advice were what you would expect from a loving mother who cares so much. Thank you, Emilia and Banner Ironwood staff!