Katlin Gallagher
July 2020
Emergency Department
San Antonio Regional Hospital




Katlin's compassion towards the patient and this family was nothing short of amazing.
A patient was brought into the ED via AMR. The patient, unfortunately, passed away. The patient's family began to arrive and staff followed all guidelines in notifying family members of his passing. The family became very emotional and they were hard to console. Katlin was the nurse for the patient and dealing with a hysterical family was not easy. At least 20 family members arrived and all were fairly shaken up. In my opinion, Katlin was all that stood between sanity and mayhem. She went above and beyond all she could in keeping this family informed and calm. Katlin's compassion towards the patient and this family was nothing short of amazing. How she kept a cool head under these conditions and still found time to care for other patients is beyond me. SARH is fortunate to have an RN like Katlin working for them. God bless her.