November 2020
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia




Danielle's calm demeanor, subtle optimism, and sound medical care made the perfect combo to take on this tired mama's brand new medical curiosity.
Danielle is one of the best nurses I have ever met. She helped take care of my daughter when she was transported to CHOP from Wichita, KS at 10 days of life. We met so many wonderful nurses, but Danielle sticks out because of the way she communicated with me. She seems to have a "family-centered" approach to bedside care. She updated us on everything that was being done while we were present, no matter how trivial it may have seemed. When we were not there during the day or night, she was always ready with a brief but thorough update when we returned. She was there when my mom visited for a week and answered her endless barrage of questions too. Her calm demeanor, subtle optimism, and sound medical care made the perfect combo to take on this tired mama's brand new medical curiosity. She empathized with all of my fluctuating moods and concerns and was quick with words of encouragement. I am so thankful to have met her and for her to take care of my sweet daughter during our time in the CHOP NICU. She is a true DAISY Nurse.