December 2020
Nemours Children's Hospital




My son is 8 months old and had surgery to close his colostomy which was exciting and nerve-wracking, being a single mother.
Leyla was with us from day one, and immediately I noticed the dedication she had to my son. She always checked on both of us and worked to make sure my son was as comfortable as possible, whether it was through medication for pain or finding comfy ways to sleep. She was concerned about my son even on days she wasn't there, and it warmed my heart to know how genuine she is and how much her patients mean to her.
On day two of our stay, Leyla came to see us first thing in the morning and immediately noticed that my son's stomach was distended, and his foot had some swelling from his IV. She was confident in her observations and wasn't swayed. She immediately contacted my son's surgical team, and his condition was addressed in no time. Leyla's ability to work so quickly on that second day was the moment I realized how amazing she is.
As a parent of an infant, I often worry about him receiving the best care but when Leyla was there I knew my son would be in the best hands. She is dedicated knowledgeable confident quick genuine and just all around an excellent example of the type of nurse and person that a parent can count on. We are forever thankful for Leyla!