Shannon Vega
December 2020
Forrest General Hospital




After getting approval from the VP and nursing administration, Shannon set up the first treatment. She arranged for a staff in-service and provided a registration contact for the child's mother.
Shannon took the initiative to meet with the Vice President. She stated that she had been contacted by one of our pediatricians about a 17-month-old patient who has to go out of town to receive an infusion of Lumizyme. The pediatrician was asking if there was any way that the infusion could be administered here. He noted to Shannon that the family had financial burdens and other children and that it had been very difficult for them to travel to get the infusion which was a must for their child's survival.
Shannon went into action. She started by checking on the inpatient setting, but because this is outpatient she knew the focus there was not outpatient. She didn't give up. She researched all the information for administering the infusion including the financial impact to make sure it wasn't a loss. She explained how the nurses were PALS certified and how she knew they could help this child. After reviewing all she could she presented the information to me before going to nursing administration to make sure there was not anything that she had not crossed off on the list.
After getting approval from the VP and nursing administration, Shannon set up the first treatment. She arranged for a staff in-service and provided a registration contact for the child's mother. She also provided her number for the mother and stated she will be reaching out to the mother to explain what they can expect at their first appointment here. The pediatrician and family are extremely grateful for Shannon's efforts. This is truly an example of "Doing what is best for the patient". This act fully supports our mission and our We Care Values. This illustrates taking time not to do what is convenient for us, but what can be done to make a difference. Shannon is an inspiration to all that meet her. She strives constantly to better herself and shows kindness and compassion each day. She is a true DAISY Nurse.