June 2019
Our Lady of the Lake Ascension




Kristen was beyond amazing. She fully gained B's trust and made her feel safe and comfortable during what was such a scary experience for her.
I would simply like to take a moment to express the amazing, positive experience that my family had at the OLOL Ascension ER last Wednesday. My daughter, B had an accident playing with her cousin in which she suffered a pretty scary laceration to her ear. Thanks to the ER staff our experience from beginning to end was pleasant, despite the circumstances. When we arrived to the ER, B was understandably very afraid and having a hard time calming down. The representative who checked her in went and found a teddy bear and gave it to her, which instantly offered some consolation. From there we met the triage nurse. Our time with her was brief but pleasant as well. We did not have to wait long at all to be taken back to a treatment room. Once there we met our PA. She gently examined B and reassured her that she would not be giving her any sticks (needles). We then met the nurse who would end up basically staying by my daughter's side until her shift ended. her name is Kristen. She was beyond amazing. She fully gained B's trust and made her feel safe and comfortable during what was such a scary experience for her. The doctor was very knowledgeable and had a calm demeanor, which helped us nervous parents remain calm too. He took pictures of her laceration and consulted with an ENT before doing anything. Once he heard back from the ENT, he explained the treatment plan to us, which called for our daughter being sedated because we knew she wouldn't be able to keep still while the sutures were being placed. We then met the nurse who did B's IV. He went and found some topical anesthetic to apply to the area to lessen the pain of the IV placement for her, which was so kind of him. All the while Kristen remained by B's side trying to keep her calm while the IV was done. Once the doctor got her all stitched up, two more nurses were there to monitor B's vitals after the sedation. They were very kind and answered any and all questions my husband and I had. We joke that B is our little drama queen, but she completely carried out the role that night. Even still every single staff member that we encountered was so patient with her. For that alone, we are grateful because we know it wasn't easy. Everyone who had a hand in my child's care truly carried out our health system's mission and values. Please pass along our praise and thankfulness.