Rodney Fehr
December 2020
Intensive Care Unit
Lutheran Health Network Kosciusko Community Hospital




Rodney, you cared for him with comfort and kindness reserved for children coming into this world, not with the inevitability of those about to leave it.
Rodney, you don't know me, and it is possible we will never meet but recently you met the man pictured here while you were working in the ICU. Most likely, you did not know him as I know him with a glimmer in his eyes and a smile on his face all across his life, all across his 82 years. For you met L in his infirmity, his frailty, his vulnerability. You met L as he was dying. I cannot help but think that this is how you meet many people because of the nature of your job. And yet, L's family tells me you fought for his life as if you had known him your whole life. You cared for him with comfort and kindness reserved for children coming into this world, not with the inevitability of those about to leave it. You sought to restore health and strength and vibrancy as if you desired to know L as those who loved him knew him. Rodney this speaks to your dedication to your work, your professionalism, and pride, your heart for humanity. L's family, his wife, his daughter, his son have such gratitude for you and hold you in such high regard. I am grateful that L, in his last week of life, met Rodney Fehr, nurse extraordinaire. Perhaps he knew you most through touch- the touch of caring hands, the touch of a kind voice, the touch of a caring heart. On behalf of our family, thank you, Rodney. In touching the life of our loved one, you touched all of us.