Rachel Parker
September 2020
Acute Care Pediatrics
VCU Health




She took what we all know is valuable time and spent it with the patient. Rachel took her for a walk and comforted her when she was in a scary situation.
There is not enough space here for me to write all the good things I could say about Rachel! She is consistently one of the most compassionate and loving people I have met. With conflicting priorities, leaders often end up distancing from the bedside. For Rachel, this is not the case. She serves as an amazing role model, making the patients and team members her priority.
Specifically, I want to highlight what she did recently. A well-known patient and one whom Rachel had worked with on previous occasions needed a little TLC. She took what we all know is valuable time and spent it with the patient. Rachel took her for a walk and comforted her when she was in a scary situation.
Rachel stayed until after 9:00 PM, making sure that everyone was okay, and sat with the patient to make sure she felt heard and loved.
I cannot even begin to express the impact Rachel makes every day. I hope one day I will even be a small glimpse of the nurse Rachel is!